About the second part, I'm sure all of you sec 4s out there know that the JAE posting results would be released tomorrow. Somebody smsed me a MOE hotline number this evening, but it was unfortunately closed by the time I called in. Yeah, some of you might have already found out your posting results through this hotline or whatever. The number's 66912131.
& the first part...you'll find out soon. So my folks were out since the afternoon to help me look for and order some IKEA furniture for my room. We've spent quite some time deciding on the cupboard/wardrobe arrangements and stuff.
Nothing fancy, just an entire wall of ten 50-by-70 cupboards, two 50-by-256 wardrobes, one 30-by-70, one 40-by-70, one 60-by-125 and one corner cabinet.
They'll be in white, black, and frosted glass with silver frames depending on where I want them. Seriously no design at all, purely for convenience's sake and to fit in ALL the stuff in my room of course. ALOT, if you've been to my house you'll understand :P
My stomach was growling like hell by the time it was 8 and they were not back yet, so I decided to cook some food for myself, just to fill in abit of the empty spaces in there.
(something easy of course LOL.)
Let me tell you guys a secret..I've never ever cooked maggi mee in my whole life, just added ingredients while watching others cook during chalets. Or making cup noodles .__.
First, scrambled egg.
One egg, a dash of salt. Pour into oiled pan and fry, don't cook it for too long. You should be able to still see some watery yolk at the end. Turn off the gas and it'll be just nice by the time you pour the contents onto the plate
I wanted to cook another one but the stove was unfortunately out of gas -__-
It won't look like barf if you don't imagine it as barf LOL. It looks gross but should be fine ba
So steamed egg it was.
Egg to water ratio should always be 1:1. I've added two eggs into this bowl and filled it with hot water to the brim afterwards. For the sake of my tastebuds, I've also put in some kimchi, a pinch of salt and a little sprinkle of sugar.
Fill the steamer with water, put the bowl in and steam for approximately 10 minutes.
That's the end result. It turned out surprisingly good for my first try, so just stick to 10 minutes and the above recipe.
If you're planning to prepare other stuff, put it in the bao3 wen1 guo1 (the thing that keeps your soup warm, I suddenly forgot what its called)
For chocolate milk, pour in a cup of cold milk and around 4 tablespoons of hershey's chocolate syrup.
If you want, put in roughly 20 cubes of ice in the blender and spray whipped cream on as shown in a previous post. Unfortunately, I'm sick today so I can't drink ice blended ):
Pop it into the fridge or it won't taste nice by the time you're done with everything.
For baked potatoes...
Cut a wedge out of a washed potato, sprinkle GARLIC SALT all over it. Not too much though.
Normal salt should be fine I guess, I've never tried that.
Spread salt all over potato evenly, even the parts with the skin.
See the difference between the two!
put in steamer and set the timer on 20 minutes!
Meanwhile, slice a whole tomato and sprinkle sugar ALL OVER IT.
Yes, raw tomatoes with sugar = HEAVENLY.
When the potatoes are ready, put shredded cheddar cheese into those slits. They should melt abit since the potatoes are hot.
If you're not satisfied with the amount of cheese, sprinkle more cheese like I did. :D
Set timer to 10-15 minutes....AND YOU'RE DONE!!!!
EMMA'S PERFECT MEAL. Complete with my favourite foods....
Kimchi? Check.
Potatoes? Check.
Tomatoes? Check.
(and yes I love steamed eggs alot too!!!)
wait, something's missing!
NEVER EVER forget the Baco's! (the red coloured bacon bits they serve in the Western stall in the canteen when you order cheese potato! loveee)
Switch on the telly....
I'm sorry the MTV is so...obscene. This just happens to be only okay shot and they had to show her in underwear -__- I forgot what song that was, btw.
Change channel!!! Don't forget the lyrics!
(and don't forget the phone! In case my parents to call for any food orders ;D)
YES THE STEAMED EGG WAS SO AWESOME. I'm so proud of myself for once HAHA.
Very smooth okay. Could have been better with mushrooms and your usual chawanmushi ingredients but KIMCHI IS GOOD ENOUGH. I mean, GREAT ENOUGH.
After dinner:
I put chace in his pink princessy ikea box! Yeah chace is a guy.
Upper row (left to right): Cody, 2nd batch, Chace, Ryan
Lower: Ponyo, Ashley, Clarice
My parents came back at 9 plus! :D
with an ikea hot dog, herrings and a cork board for my room! The cupboards will arrive on sunday ^_^
...Lousy 3.2 mp camera phone. ME WANTS INNOV8!
Sparkling juice!!!
Isabel, Kaiying and I. Taken outside staffroom yesterday.
I found this at the Ikea counter, quite cool. see the way its bent?
my CNY breakfast. Delifrance Bistro food is not nice at all, I prefer the old delifrance ):
Saw the following outside TPJ staffroom:
Hi person who drew this I admire you alot. Sorry if its copyrighted or anything just take it as advertising okay its really very nice. Done in soft pastel.
Had to take it like that to avoid the reflection.
8 am tomorrow, remember to check your phone. Hoping all the best to all of you (and myself too ~_~)
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